Source code for stressor.config_manager

# (c) 2020-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see
# Licensed under the MIT license:
import os
import re

import yaml

from stressor.plugin_manager import PluginManager
from stressor.plugins.base import ActivityBase, ActivityCompileError
from stressor.util import (

VAR_MACRO_REX = re.compile(r"\$\(\s*(\w[\w.:]*)\s*\)")
GENERIC_MACRO_REX = re.compile(r"\$\w+.*\(.*\).*")

[docs] class ConfigurationError(StressorError): """"""
[docs] def replace_var_macros(value, context): """ Replace all macros of type `$(CONTEXT.VAR.NAME)`. """ stack = PathStack() def repl(value, context, parent, parent_key): with stack.enter(str(parent_key or "?")): if isinstance(value, dict): for key, sub_val in value.items(): repl(sub_val, context, value, key) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for idx, elem in enumerate(value): repl(elem, context, value, idx) elif isinstance(value, str): org_value = value if "$" in value and str(stack) == "/?/script": # Don't replace macros inside RunActivity scripts logger.debug("Not replacing macros inside `script`s.") return value while "$" in value: found_one = False temp_val = value for match in VAR_MACRO_REX.finditer(temp_val): found_one = True # print(match, match.groups()) macro, var_name =, match.groups()[0] # resolve dotted names: # var_value = context[var_name] try: var_value = get_dict_attr(context, var_name) if value.strip() == macro: # Replace macro string with resolved int, float, or str value = var_value break # value contains a macro but also prefix or suffix. # Cast macro-result to string and check for more macros value = value.replace(macro, str(var_value)) except (KeyError, TypeError): raise RuntimeError( f"Error evaluating {stack}: '{org_value}': '{var_name}' not found in context (or is None)." ) if not found_one or not isinstance(value, str): break parent[parent_key] = value return value res = repl(value, context, None, None) return res
# register_plugins()
[docs] class ConfigManager: """ Define and validate a run-configuration. Also reads and compiles YAML files. """ #: Currently supportted syntax version. #: (Incremented when incompatible changes are introduced.) FILE_VERSION = 0 def __init__(self, stats_manager): #: (dict) The complete parsed YAML file as dict self.stats_manager = stats_manager #: (dict) The complete parsed YAML file as dict self.config_all = None #: (int) The file version, parsed from the `filer_version#VERSION` tag self.file_version = None #: (str) Absolute path of the YAML file self.path = None #: (str) Absolute root folder of the YAML file self.root_folder = None #: (str) Shortcut to self.run_config["name"] (defaults to filename without extension) = None #: (:class:`stressor.util.PathStack`) Current compile location self.stack = None #: (dict) lists of compile errors and warnings self.results = { "error": [], "warning": [], } # if path is not None: # return
[docs] def get(self, key_path, default=NO_DEFAULT): res = get_dict_attr(self.config_all, key_path, default) return res
[docs] def resolve_path(self, path, must_exist=True, check_root=True, default_ext=None): """Return an absolute path, assuming relative to the original config file.""" # TODO: check for invalid access (security risk!) assert_always(self.path, "`read()` must be called before") if not path.startswith("/"): path = os.path.join(self.root_folder, path) path = os.path.abspath(path) if check_root and not path.startswith(self.root_folder): raise ValueError(f"Path must be in or below {self.root_folder}: {path}") if must_exist and not os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError(f"File not found: {path}") return path
[docs] def report_error(self, msg, level="error", exc=None, stack=None): """Called by activity and macro constructors to signal errors or warnings. The compiler also calls this when a constructor raises an exception. """ check_arg(level, str, level in ("error", "warning")) path = stack if stack else str(self.stack) hint = f"{path}: {msg}" if exc: logger.exception(hint) # No need to log, since self.results are also summarized later # elif level == "warning": # logger.warning(hint) # else: # logger.error(hint) self.results[level].append({"msg": msg, "path": path})
@property def config(self): """Shortcut to config_all["run_config"].""" return self.config_all["config"] @property def context(self): """Shortcut to config_all["context"].""" return self.config_all["context"] @property def scenario(self): """Shortcut to config_all["scenario"].""" return self.config_all["scenario"] @property def sessions(self): """Shortcut to config_all["sessions"].""" return self.config_all["sessions"] @property def sequences(self): """Shortcut to config_all["sequences"].""" return self.config_all["sequences"]
[docs] def has_errors(self, or_warnings=False): return bool(self.results["error"] or (or_warnings and self.results["warning"]))
[docs] def update_config(self, extra_config, context_only=False): """Override self.config (and self.context) with new items. self.config was already copied to self.context, so normally we want to update both. Args: extra_config (dict): new values context_only (bool): pass true to only set the shadow-copy (i.e. context) """ check_arg(extra_config, dict, or_none=True) if not extra_config: return config = self.config context = self.context for k, v in extra_config.items(): if not context_only:"Set config.{k}: {config.get(k)!r} -> {v!r}") config[k] = v else:"Set context.{k}: {context.get(k)!r} -> {v!r}") context[k] = v return
[docs] def validate_config(self, cfg=None): """ Raises: ConfigurationError Returns: (int) Current file format version as defined in `file_version: stressor#N` """ if cfg is None: cfg = self.config_all def _check_type(key, types): try: o = get_dict_attr(cfg, key) except Exception: self.report_error("Could not find expected entry", stack=key) return False if o is None and None in types: return True elif not isinstance(o, types): self.report_error( f"Expected type {types}, but found {type(o)!r}", stack=key ) return False return True sections = set(cfg.keys()) known_sections = { "file_version", "config", "context", "sessions", "scenario", "sequences", } file_version = cfg.get("file_version", "") if not file_version.startswith("stressor#"): raise ConfigurationError( "Not a `stressor` file (missing 'stressor#VERSION' tag)." ) file_version = int(file_version.split("#", 1)[1]) if file_version != self.FILE_VERSION: raise ConfigurationError( f"File version mismatch: expected {self.FILE_VERSION}, but found {file_version}." ) missing = known_sections.difference(sections) extra = sections.difference(known_sections) if extra or missing: raise ConfigurationError( "Configuration file check failed:\n missing sections: {}\n invalid sections: {}".format( ", ".join(missing or "-"), ", ".join(extra or "-") ) ) if _check_type("config", dict): base_url = get_dict_attr(cfg, "config.base_url", None) if base_url and (not base_url.startswith("http") or "://" not in base_url): self.report_error( f"config.base_url must be an absolute URL ('http(s)://...'): {base_url!r}", ) if _check_type("context", (dict, None)): pass if _check_type("sessions", dict): pass # - sequences must be a dict of dicts. # All entries must contain 'activity' # - activity.assert_json must be a dict sequence_names = set() if _check_type("sequences", dict): for seq_name, act_list in cfg["sequences"].items(): sequence_names.add(seq_name) stack = f"sequences/{seq_name}" if act_list is None: act_list = [] cfg["sequences"][seq_name] = act_list self.report_error( "Ignored undefined list of activities", level="warning", stack=stack, ) if not isinstance(act_list, list): self.report_error( "Expected list of activities", stack=stack, ) else: for idx, act_def in enumerate(act_list): stack = f"sequences/{seq_name}#{idx:02}" if not isinstance(act_def, dict): self.report_error( "Expected dict with `activity` key", stack=stack, ) else: activity = act_def.get("activity") if not isinstance(activity, ActivityBase): self.report_error( "`activity` must be an instance of ActivityBase " f"instance (found {activity!r})", stack=stack, ) assert_match = act_def.get("assert_match") if assert_match is not None: try: re.compile(assert_match) except re.error as e: self.report_error( f"Invalid regular expression: {assert_match}: {e}", stack=stack, ) # Scenario list must contain 'sequence' keys and all sequences must exist if _check_type("scenario", list): for idx, seq_def in enumerate(cfg["scenario"]): stack = f".scenario#{idx:02}" if not isinstance(seq_def, dict) or "sequence" not in seq_def: self.report_error( "Expected dict with `sequence` key", stack=stack, ) elif seq_def["sequence"] not in sequence_names: self.report_error( "sequence name is not defined in `sequences`", stack=stack, ) # TODO: # - if init is given, it must be first? # - if end is given, it must be last? # - assert_json, assert_match, ... return file_version
[docs] def _compile(self, value, parent=None, parent_key=None, stack=None): """Apply load-time conversions after a config file was read. - Replace activity definitions with instances of :class:`ActvityBase` - Resolve load-time macros (partly by replacing them with activites) **Note:** Some makros, especially `$(CONTEXT.VAR)` are *not* resolved here, because this needs to be done at run-time. """ pm = PluginManager assert pm.activity_plugin_map stats = self.stats_manager if stack is None: # Top-Level call; `value` is the YAML cnfig dict self.stack = PathStack("config") stack = self.stack # Register sequence names for seq_name in value.get("sequences", {}).keys(): # Create an initial statistics dict for sequence_stats[SEQ_NAME]: stats.register_sequence(seq_name) if parent_key == "activity": path_info = parent.get(parent_key) else: path_info = parent_key with stack.enter(path_info, ignore=parent is None): # logger.debug("compile {}".format(stack)) # Reslove `$name()` macros, which may replace themselves, e.g. # - "GetRequest" -> `GetRequestActivity()` # - "$load()" -> list or dict that needs to be compiled as well if isinstance(value, str) and "$" in value: has_match = False for macro_cls in pm.macro_plugin_map.values(): try: macro = macro_cls() handled, res = macro.match_apply(self, parent, parent_key) if handled: has_match = True logger.debug(f"Eval {stack}: {value} => {res}") # Re-init `value` in case the macro replaced it value = parent[parent_key] break except Exception as e: msg = f"Could not evaluate macro {value!r}" self.report_error(msg, exc=e) # raise ConfigurationError( # "Could not evaluate {!r} at {}: {}".format(value, stack, e) # ) from e if not has_match and GENERIC_MACRO_REX.match(value): msg = f"Entry looks like a macro, but has no handler: '{value}'" self.report_error(msg, level="warning") # Resolve lists and dicts recursively: if isinstance(value, dict): # Macros may change the dictionary size, so iterate over a copy for key, sub_val in tuple(value.items()): self._compile(sub_val, value, key, stack) return elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # Macros may change the list size, so iterate over a copy for idx, elem in enumerate(tuple(value)): self._compile(elem, value, idx, stack) return # Either 'activity' was already an activity name, or a preceeding macro # set it: if isinstance(value, str) and value in pm.activity_plugin_map: # Replace the activity definition with an instance of the class. # Allow activities to do compile-time checking ad processing activity_cls = pm.activity_plugin_map[value] try: # print(parent) activity_inst = activity_cls(self, **parent) parent[parent_key] = activity_inst if stats: stats.register_activity(activity_inst) except ActivityCompileError as e: # Don't pass exc to supress stack trace self.report_error(f"{e}") except Exception as e: msg = f"Could not evaluate activity {value!r}" self.report_error(msg, exc=e) # logger.error("{} {}: {}".format(stack, value, e)) return
[docs] def read(self, path, load_files=True): """Read a YAML file into ``self.config_all``. Raises: ConfigurationError """ check_arg(load_files, bool) self.config_all = None if not path.lower().endswith(".yaml"): path += ".yaml" path = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ConfigurationError(f"File not found: {path}") self.path = path self.root_folder = os.path.dirname(path) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] with open(path) as f: try: res = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.parser.ParserError as e: raise ConfigurationError(f"Could not parse YAML: {e}") from None if not isinstance(res, dict) or not res.get("file_version", "").startswith( "stressor#" ): raise ConfigurationError( "Not a `stressor` file (missing 'stressor#VERSION' tag)." ) self._compile(res) self.file_version = self.validate_config(res) if self.results["warning"]: logger.error("Compiler warnings:") for m in self.results["warning"]: logger.warning(" - {}: {}".format(m["path"], m["msg"])) if self.results["error"]: logger.error("Compiler errors:") for m in self.results["error"]: logger.error(" - {}: {}".format(m["path"], m["msg"])) raise ConfigurationError("Config file had compile errors.") self.config_all = res # Copy values from `config.*` to `context.*` if self.config_all.get("context") is None: self.config_all["context"] = {} for k, v in self.config.items(): self.context.setdefault(k, v) return self.config_all