
Requirements: Python 3.7+ is required. Releases are hosted on PyPI and can be installed using pip or pipenv.


MS Windows users that only need the command line interface may prefer the MSI installer or install using the Windows Package Manager:

> winget install stressor

Install Into the System Python

Installing stressor as part of your system’s Python will make the CLI available from the command line. You may need administrator permissions, like sudo. Also make sure to use Python 3 if the system installation uses Python 2 (as on macOS).

For example:

$ sudo python3 -m pip install -U stressor
$ stressor --version -v
stressor/2.0.1 Python/3.6.1 Darwin-17.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
$ stressor --help

Run From a Virtual Environment

Installing stressor and its dependencies into a ‘sandbox’ will help to keep your system Python clean, but requires to activate the virtual environment:

$ cd /path/to/stressor
$ pipenv shell
(stressor) $ pipenv install stressor --upgrade
(stressor) $ stressor --version -v
stressor/0.0.1 Python/3.6.1 Darwin-17.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
(stressor) $ stressor --help

See also

See Development for directions for contributors.

Now the stressor command is available:

$ stressor --help

and the stressor package can be used in Python code:

$ python
>>> from stressor import __version__
>>> __version__