
Scenarios are defined in YAML-formatted configuration files. It can then be executed like so:

$ stressor run SCENARIO.yaml --monitor

Annotated Sample Configuration

  1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2# Stressor Scenario Definition
  3# See
  4#   -
  5#   -
  6# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8# File identifier, must be 'stressor#0'
  9file_version: stressor#0
 11# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 12#: `config`: Global scenario settings.
 14  #: Scenario name (defaults to name of this file without '.yaml' extension)
 15  name: Test WebDAV
 17  #: Optional multi-line string with additional info
 18  details: |
 19    This scenario runs some tests against a WebDAV server.
 20    We use it to test stressor against a locally running WsgiDAV server:
 21      - Open a terminal and run
 22      $ wsgidav --root tests/fixtures/ --port 8082 --auth anonymous
 23      - Open a second terminal and run
 24      $ stressor run tests/fixtures/test_mock_server
 26  # Optional string that describes the current run.
 27  # May be used to display additional info about boundary conditions, etc.
 28  # Example 'Test-Run STAGING nightly'
 29  # (pass `-o "tag:MY TAG INFO"` to override)
 30  tag:
 32  #: (int) Output verbosity level [0..5], default: 3
 33  verbose: 3
 34  #: (str)
 35  base_url:
 36  #: (float) Default timeout on seconds for web requests (i.e. HTTP activities)
 37  #: This value can be overridden with HTTP-Activity's `timeout` parameter
 38  request_timeout: 1.0
 39  #: (int) Max. total error count that is tolerated before stopping
 40  #: Override with `--max-errors` argument.
 41  #: Default: 0: don't stop on errors
 42  max_errors: 0
 43  #: (float) Max. run time in seconds before stopping (override with `--max-time`)
 44  #: Default: 0.0: no time limit
 45  max_time: 0.0
 47# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 48# `context`: Initial context value definitions.
 49# Context values can be accessed using `$(NAME)` macros, e.g. `$(base_url)`.
 50# The context is initialized with  all values from the `config` section,
 51# but we can add or override values here.
 52# Values may also be defined or overridden using the the command line, e.g.
 53# `--option "NAME:VALUE"`
 56# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 57# `sessions`: The run configuration defines how the `sequences` are executed
 58# in parallel sessions.
 60  #: (list) Defines a list of user dicts, with at least `name` and `pasword`
 61  #: attributes. Often stored in a separate file and included like so:
 62  users: $load(users.yaml)
 63  #: (int) Number of sessions (virtual users). If greater than no. of users,
 64  #: users will be re-used round robin.
 65  #: Default: 1
 66  count: 1
 67  #: (float) max. run time in seconds, before the session stops. The current
 68  #: and the 'end' sequences are completed.
 69  #: Default: 0.0 means no time limit.
 70  duration: 0.0
 71  #: (bool) Pass true to enable HTTP basic authentication, using user's credentials
 72  #: Default: false
 73  basic_auth: false
 74  #: (bool) Pass false to ignore SSL certificate errors. Default: true
 75  verify_ssl: true
 76  #: (float) Waiting time between starting distinct user sessions in seconds.
 77  #: Default: 0.0 means start all session at once.
 78  ramp_up_delay: 0.0
 80# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 81# `scenario`: Define the order and duration of sequences that every virtual
 82# user session performs.
 83# All sequence definitions that are referenced here, must also appear in the
 84# following `sequences` section.
 86  # 'init' is the reserved name for the set-up sequence, like logging-in.
 87  # If errors occur here, all subsequent sequences (including 'end') are skipped.
 88  - sequence: init
 89  # Other sections can have arbitrary names and are excuted in order of appearance
 90  - sequence: main
 91    #: (float) This sequence is repeated in a loop, until `duration` seconds are
 92    #: reached (always completing the full sequence).
 93    #: Default: 0.0 means no time-based looping.
 94    duration: 0.0
 95    #: (int) This sequence is repeated in a loop, until `duration` seconds are
 96    #: reached (always completing the full sequence).
 97    #: Default: 0 (or 1) means no repeat.
 98    repeat: 0
 99  # 'end' is the reserved name for the tear-down sequence (e..g. log out).
100  # If errors occurred in the mainhere, all subsequent sequences are skipped.
101  - sequence: end
103# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104# `sequences`: List of named action sequences. Used as building blocks for
105# scenarios
106# Following some example activites. Please refer to the docs for details.
108  # 'init' is the reserved name for the set-up sequence.
109  init:
110    # Log-in
111    - activity: HTTPRequest
112      url: /
113      method: OPTIONS
114      assert_match_headers: ".*'DAV'.*"
116    - activity: GetRequest
117      # Use `base_url` by default:
118      url: mock_login_response.json
119      assert_json:
120        result.user_guid: "{abc123}"
121      store_json:
122        user_guid: "result.user_guid"
124    # - activity: $debug()
126  # Other sections can have arbitrary names and are excuted in order of appearance
127  main:
128    - activity: GetRequest
129      url: /
130      assert_match: ".*Index of /.*"
131      assert_html:
132        "//*[@class='logo']": true
134    # - activity: $debug()
136    - activity: PutRequest
137      url: /wsgidav_test_file~$(session_id).txt
138      data: "Test"
139      assert_max_time: 0.5
140      # debug: true
141      monitor: true
143    - activity: RunScript
144      script: |
145        new_val = "New URL:" + base_url
147    - activity: RunScript
148      name: "Print context"
149      script: |
150        from pprint import pprint
151        pprint(locals())
153    - activity: $sleep(0.3)
155    - activity: GetRequest
156      url: /wsgidav_test_file~$(session_id).txt
157      assert_match: "Test"
159    - activity: $sleep(0.3)
161    # - activity: $debug()
163    # - activity: RunScript
164    #   path:
166    # - activity: RunScript
167    #   script: |
168    #     temp = Fabulist.quote("${verb}")
169    #     PutRequest(url="hurz")
171  # 'end' is the reserved name for the tear-down sequence
172  end:
173    - activity: $sleep(0.1)
175    - activity: DeleteRequest
176      url: /wsgidav_test_file~$(session_id).txt