Source code for stressor.run_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2020-2023 Martin Wendt and contributors; see
# Licensed under the MIT license:
import itertools
import sys
import threading
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime

from snazzy import emoji, green, red, yellow

from stressor import __version__
from stressor.config_manager import ConfigManager
from stressor.monitor.server import MonitorServer
from stressor.session_manager import SessionManager, User
from stressor.statistic_manager import StatisticManager
from stressor.util import (

[docs] class RunManager: """ Executes a run-configuration in parallel sessions. """ CTRL_HANDLER_SET = None CURRENT_RUN_MANAGER = None DEFAULT_OPTS = { "monitor": False, "log_summary": True, # "dry_run": False, } STAGES = ( # "new", "ready", "running", "done", "waiting", "stopping", "stopped", ) CHANNELS = ( "log", "start_run", "start_session", "start_sequence", "start_activity", "end_activity", "end_sequence", "end_session", "end_run", ) activity_map = {} def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.RLock() self.host_id = "h1" self.process_id = "p1" #: :class:`ConfigManager` used to load the configuration YAML self.config_manager = None self.has_hooks = False self.has_catch_all_hooks = False self._hooks = defaultdict(list) #: Set this event to shut down the app self.stop_request = threading.Event() #: (bool): TODO: determines if a stop request is graceful or not #: True: Finalize the current sequence, then do 'end' sequence before stopping self.stop_request_graceful = None #: (bool): TODO: determines if a stop request will keep the monitor running #: True: Finalize the current sequence, then do 'end' sequence before stopping? self.stop_request_monitor = None self.session_list = [] #: :class:`~stressor.statistic_manager.StatisticManager` object that containscurrent execution path self.stats = StatisticManager() self.options = self.DEFAULT_OPTS.copy() self.stage = "ready" self.start_dt = None self.start_stamp = None self.end_dt = None self.end_stamp = None # register_plugins() self.CURRENT_RUN_MANAGER = self self.set_console_ctrl_handler() def __str__(self): # name = self.config_manager.path if self.config_manager else "?" # name = self.run_config.get("name") if self.run_config else "?" return "RunManager<{}>".format(self.stage.upper())
[docs] @staticmethod def set_console_ctrl_handler(): if RunManager.CTRL_HANDLER_SET is None: RunManager.CTRL_HANDLER_SET = set_console_ctrl_handler( RunManager._console_ctrl_handler )"set_console_ctrl_handler()")
[docs] @staticmethod def _console_ctrl_handler(ctrl): # NOTE: seems that print/logger do not work here? # print("_console_ctrl_handler()") return RunManager.CURRENT_RUN_MANAGER.console_ctrl_handler(ctrl)
[docs] def console_ctrl_handler(self, ctrl): """ Args: ctrl (int): 0: CTRL_C_EVENT, 1: CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, 2: CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT Returns: True if handled False if not handled, i.e. next registered handler will be called """ # if self.stop_request.is_set(): # print("Got Ctrl-C 2nd time: terminating...") # logger.warning("Got Ctrl-C a 2nd time: terminating...") # time.sleep(0.1) # # sys.exit(2) print("Got Ctrl-C (windows handler), terminating...", file=sys.stderr) logger.warning("Got Ctrl-C (windows handler), terminating...") # self.stop_request.set() self.stop() # return False return True
[docs] def set_stage(self, stage): check_arg(stage, str, stage in self.STAGES)"Enter stage '{}'".format(stage.upper())) self.stage = stage
[docs] def publish(self, channel, allow_cancel=False, *args, **kwargs): """Notify all subscribed handlers.""" assert channel in self.CHANNELS result_list = [] if not self.has_hooks: return result_list channel_hooks = self._hooks.get(channel) generic_hooks = self._hooks.get("*") if channel_hooks: if generic_hooks: hooks = itertools.chain(channel_hooks, generic_hooks) else: hooks = channel_hooks elif generic_hooks: hooks = generic_hooks for handler in hooks: res = handler(channel, *args, **kwargs) if allow_cancel and res is False: return False result_list.append(res) return result_list
[docs] def subscribe(self, channel, handler): self.has_hooks = True if channel == "*": self.has_catch_all_hooks = True else: assert channel in (self.CHANNELS) assert callable(handler) self._hooks[channel].append(handler)
[docs] def has_errors(self, or_warnings=False): return self.stats.has_errors()
[docs] def get_cli_summary(self): cm = self.config_manager lines = [] run_time = self.end_stamp - self.start_stamp user_count = len(self.session_list) has_errors = self.has_errors() ap = lines.append col = red if has_errors else green horz_line = col("=-" * 38 + "=") ap("Result Summary:") ap(horz_line) ap("Stressor scenario '{}' finished.".format( ap(" Tag: '{}'".format(cm.config.get("tag", "n.a."))) ap(" Base URL: {}".format(cm.config.get("base_url", ""))) ap(" Start: {}".format(self.start_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) ap(" End: {}".format(self.end_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) ap( "Run time {}, net: {}.".format( format_elap(run_time, high_prec=True), format_elap(self.stats["net_act_time"], high_prec=True), ) ) ap( "Executed {:,} activities in {:,} sequences, using {:,} parallel sessions.".format( self.stats["act_count"], self.stats["seq_count"], user_count, ) ) if run_time and self.stats["seq_count"]: ap( "Sequence duration: {} average.".format( format_elap(run_time / self.stats["seq_count"], high_prec=True) ) ) if run_time: ap( " rate: {} sequences per minute (per user: {}).".format( format_num(60.0 * self.stats["seq_count"] / run_time), format_num( 60.0 * self.stats["seq_count"] / (run_time * user_count) ), ) ) ap( "Activity rate: {} activities per second (per user: {}).".format( format_num(self.stats["act_count"] / run_time), format_num(self.stats["act_count"] / (run_time * user_count)), ) ) # --- List of all activities that are marked `monitor: true` if self.stats["monitored"]: print(self.stats["monitored"]) ap("{} monitored activities:".format(len(self.stats["monitored"]))) for path, info in self.stats["monitored"].items(): errors = info.get("errors") ap(" - {}".format(path)) if not info: ap(" n: 0, min: n.a., avg: n.a., max: n.a.") continue ap( " n: {:,}, min: {}, avg: {}, max: {}{}".format( info["act_count"], format_elap(info["act_time_min"], high_prec=True), format_elap(info["act_time_avg"], high_prec=True), format_elap(info["act_time_max"], high_prec=True), red(", {} errors".format(errors)) if errors else "", ) ) if has_errors: pics = emoji(" 💥 💔 💥", "") ap( red( "Result: ERROR, found {:,} errors and {:,} warnings.".format( self.stats["errors"], self.stats["warnings"], ) + pics ) ) if self.stats.stats["run_limit_reached"]: ap( yellow( "Some activities where skipped due to the `max-errors` " " or `max-time` limit." ) ) else: pics = emoji(" ✨ 🍰 ✨", "") ap(green("Result: Ok." + pics)) ap(horz_line) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_status_info(self): cm = self.config_manager stats_info = self.stats.get_monitor_info(cm.config_all) res = { "name":, "scenarioDetails": cm.get("config.details", "n.a."), "tag": cm.get("config.tag", "n.a."), "stage": self.stage, "stageDisplay": "done" if self.stage == "waiting" else self.stage, "hasErrors": self.has_errors(), "startTimeStr": "{}".format(self.start_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), "baseUrl": cm.get("config.base_url"), "sessionCount": self.stats["sess_count"], "sessionsRunning": self.stats["sess_running"], "stats": stats_info, "version": __version__, } if self.end_dt: elap = self.end_dt - self.start_dt res["endTimeStr"] = "{} ({})".format( self.end_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), format_elap(elap.total_seconds()), ) else: elap = - self.start_dt res["endTimeStr"] = "(running for {}...)".format( format_elap(elap.total_seconds()) ) return res
[docs] def log_info(self, *args, **kwargs): self.publish("log", level="info", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_config(self, run_config_file): """Load configuration file and set shortcuts.""" cr = ConfigManager(self.stats), load_files=True) self.config_manager = cr # self.run_config = cr.run_config"Successfully compiled configuration {}.".format(cr.path))
[docs] def _run_one(self, session_manager): """Run inside a separate thread.""" try: # We don't need to print results if only one session was run, since # it is also part of the global stats: # rc = self.run_config # if not rc.get("force_single") and rc["sessions"]["count"] > 1: # # "Results for {}:\n{}".format( # session_manager, session_manager.stats.format_result() # ) # ) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.exception("Session thread received Ctrl-C") self.stats.report_error(None, None, None, "KeyboardInterrupt") self.stop_request.set() #"errors") except Exception as e: logger.exception("Session thread raised exception") self.stats.report_error(None, None, None, e) #"errors") # raise return
[docs] def run_in_threads(self, user_list, context): self.publish("start_run", run_manager=self) self.stop_request.clear() thread_list = [] self.session_list = [] for i, user in enumerate(user_list, 1): name = "t{:02}".format(i) sess = SessionManager(self, context, name, user) self.session_list.append(sess) t = threading.Thread(name=name, target=self._run_one, args=[sess]) t.setDaemon(True) # Required to make Ctrl-C work thread_list.append(t)"Starting {} session workers...".format(len(thread_list))) self.set_stage("running") self.stats.report_start(None, None, None) ramp_up_delay = self.config_manager.sessions.get("ramp_up_delay") start_run = time.monotonic() for i, t in enumerate(thread_list): if ramp_up_delay and i > 1: delay = get_random_number(ramp_up_delay) "Ramp-up delay for t{:02}: {:.2f} seconds...".format(i, delay) ) time.sleep(delay) t.start() logger.important( "All {} sessions running, waiting for them to terminate...".format( len(thread_list) ) ) for t in thread_list: t.join() self.set_stage("done") elap = time.monotonic() - start_run # self.stats.add_timing("run", elap) self.stats.report_end(None, None, None) self.publish("end_run", run_manager=self, elap=elap) logger.debug("Results for {}:\n{}".format(self, self.stats.format_result())) return not self.has_errors()
[docs] def run(self, options, extra_context=None): """Run the current Args: options (dict): see RunManager.DEFAULT_OPTS extra_context (dict, optional): Returns: (int) Exit code 0 if no errors occurred """ check_arg(options, dict) check_arg(extra_context, dict, or_none=True) self.options.update(options) if extra_context: self.config_manager.update_config(extra_context) context = self.config_manager.context sessions = self.config_manager.sessions count = int(sessions.get("count", 1)) if count > 1 and self.config_manager.config.get("force_single"):"force_single: restricting sessions count to one.") count = 1 # Construct a `User` with at least 'name', 'password', and optional # custom attributes user_list = [] for user_dict in sessions["users"]: user = User(**user_dict) user_list.append(user) # We have N users and want `count` sessions: re-use round-robin user_list = itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(user_list), 0, count) user_list = list(user_list) monitor = None if self.options.get("monitor"): monitor = MonitorServer(self) monitor.start() time.sleep(0.5) monitor.open_browser() self.start_stamp = time.monotonic() self.start_dt = self.end_dt = None self.end_stamp = None try: try: res = False res = self.run_in_threads(user_list, context) except KeyboardInterrupt: # if not self.stop_request.is_set(): logger.warning("Caught Ctrl-C: terminating...") self.stop() finally: self.end_dt = self.end_stamp = time.monotonic() if self.options.get("log_summary", True): logger.important(self.get_cli_summary()) if monitor: self.set_stage("waiting") logger.important("Waiting for monitor... Press Ctrl+C to quit.") self.stop_request.wait() finally: if monitor: monitor.shutdown() # print("RES", res, self.has_errors(), self.stats.format_result()) self.set_stage("stopped") return res
[docs] def stop(self, graceful=2): """""" #"Stop request received") # TODO: set errors += 1 if we interrupt a running stage self.set_stage("stopping") self.stop_request.set() return True
[docs] def get_run_time(self): return time.monotonic() - self.start_stamp