Source code for stressor.convert.har_converter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2020-2023 Martin Wendt and contributors; see
# Licensed under the MIT license:
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter
from pprint import pformat
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from stressor.util import (

logger = logging.getLogger("stressor.har")

EMPTY_TUPLE = tuple()
PATTERN_TYPE = type(re.compile("foo"))  # 're.Pattern' requires Python 3.7+

[docs] class HarConverter: """Convert HAR file to YAML scenario.""" #: Defaults for optional `--opts` paramter. DEFAULT_OPTS = { "fspec": None, "target_folder": None, "force": False, "base_url": True, # True: automatic "collate_max_len": 100, # put max 20 URL into one bucket "collate_max_duration": 1.0, # a bucket spans max. 5 seconds "collate_max_pause": 0.2, # 1 second gap will trigger open a new bucket "collate_thread_count": 5, # "add_req_comments": True, "skip_externals": True, "statics_types": ( re.compile("image/.*", re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(".*/css", re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(".*/javascript", re.IGNORECASE), # "text/html", ), "skip_errors": True, } def __init__(self, opts): # self.stats = Counter() self.page_map = {} self.har_version = None self.browser_info = None self.creator_info = None self.first_entry_dt = None self.entries = [] self.stats = Counter() self.prefix_counter = Counter() self.encoding = "utf-8-sig" self.opts = self.DEFAULT_OPTS.copy() self.opts.update(opts) #: (str) Available after `self._parse()` self.base_url = None self.polling_requests = [] self.static_resources = [] pl = [] for pattern in self.opts["statics_types"]: if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) assert isinstance(pattern, PATTERN_TYPE) pl.append(pattern) self.opts["statics_types"] = pl
[docs] def run(self): har_path = self.opts.get("fspec") target_folder = self.opts.get("target_folder") if har_path is not None: har_path = os.path.abspath(har_path) if not os.path.isfile(har_path): raise FileNotFoundError(har_path)"Parsing {}...".format(har_path)) self._parse(har_path) self._postprocess() if target_folder is None: assert har_path name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(har_path))[0].strip(".") target_folder = "./{}".format(name) target_folder = os.path.abspath(target_folder) if not os.path.isdir(target_folder):"Creating folder {}...".format(target_folder)) os.mkdir(target_folder) self._init_from_templates(target_folder) if har_path is not None: fspec = os.path.join(target_folder, "main_sequence.yaml") self._write_sequence(fspec) return True
[docs] def _copy_template(self, tmpl_name, target_path, kwargs): if not self.opts["force"] and os.path.isfile(target_path): raise RuntimeError( "File exists (use --force to continue): {}".format(target_path) ) # raise FileExistsError(target_path) tmpl_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) src_path = os.path.join(tmpl_folder, tmpl_name) tmpl = open(src_path, "rt", encoding=self.encoding).read() tmpl = tmpl.format(**kwargs)"Writing {:,} bytes to {!r}...".format(len(tmpl), target_path)) with open(target_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(tmpl) # print(tmpl) return
[docs] def _init_from_templates(self, target_folder): ctx = { "date": datetime_to_iso(), "name": "NAME", "tag": "TAG", "base_url": self.base_url, "details": "", } self._copy_template( "users.yaml.tmpl", os.path.join(target_folder, "users.yaml"), ctx ) self._copy_template( "sequence.yaml.tmpl", os.path.join(target_folder, "main_sequence.yaml"), ctx ) self._copy_template( "scenario.yaml.tmpl", os.path.join(target_folder, "scenario.yaml"), ctx )
[docs] def _is_static(self, entry): mime_type = entry["resp_type"] for pattern in self.opts["statics_types"]: if pattern.match(mime_type): return True return False
_time_names = ("blocked", "dns", "connect", "send", "wait", "receive")
[docs] def _calc_request_time(self, har_entry): t = 0.0 timings = har_entry["timings"] for name in self._time_names: v = timings.get(name) if v is not None and v > 0: t += v return t * 0.001
[docs] def _add_entry(self, har_entry): """Store the most important properties of an HAR entry.""" req = har_entry["request"] resp = har_entry["response"] content = resp.get("content") # Record the usage count of the scheme+netloc, so we can pick the best # base_url later: url = req["url"] parse_result = urlparse(url) prefix = "{o.scheme}://{o.netloc}".format(o=parse_result) self.prefix_counter[prefix] += 1 entry_dt = har_entry["startedDateTime"] if not self.first_entry_dt: self.first_entry_dt = entry_dt entry = { "start": iso_to_stamp(entry_dt), "method": req["method"], "url": url, "elap": self._calc_request_time(har_entry), } if req.get("httpVersion").upper() not in ("", "HTTP/1.1"): logger.warning("Unknown httpVersion: {!r}".format(req.get("httpVersion"))) # logger.warning("Unknown httpVersion: {}".format(req)) if req.get("comment"): entry["comment"] = req["comment"] if req.get("queryString"): # List of (name, value) tuples entry["query"] = req["queryString"] if req.get("postData"): post_data = req["postData"] if post_data.get("mimeType"): entry["mimeType"] = post_data.get("mimeType") if post_data.get("params"): entry["data"] = post_data.get("params") elif post_data.get("text"): # according to spec, 'text' should be mutually exclusive to 'params' # but Chrome produces both or sometimes text only: entry["data"] = post_data.get("text") if resp.get("comment"): entry["resp_comment"] = resp["comment"] if content.get("mimeType"): entry["resp_type"] = content["mimeType"] if content.get("size"): entry["resp_size"] = content["size"] values = req.get("cookies") if values: cookies = entry["cookies"] = [] for val in values: cookies.append((val["name"], val["value"])) values = req.get("headers") if values: headers = entry["headers"] = [] for val in values: headers.append((val["name"], val["value"])) self.entries.append(entry)
[docs] def _parse(self, fspec): with open(fspec, "r", encoding=self.encoding) as fp: har_data = json.load(fp) log = har_data["log"] assert len(har_data.keys()) == 1 self.har_version = log["version"] creator = log["creator"] self.creator_info = "{}/{}".format(creator["name"], creator["version"]) browser = log.get("browser") if browser: self.browser_info = "{}/{}".format(browser["name"], browser["version"]) for page in log.get("pages", EMPTY_TUPLE): self.page_map[page["id"]] = page for entry in log["entries"]: self._add_entry(entry) # Sort entries # ("However the reader application should always make sure the array is sorted") self.entries.sort(key=itemgetter("start")) logger.debug("HAR:\n{}".format(pformat(self.entries))) # print("HAR:\n{}".format(pformat(self.entries))) return
[docs] def _postprocess(self): # Figure out base_url base_url = self.opts.get("base_url") if base_url is True: # The most-used scheme+netloc is used as base_url # print(pformat(self.prefix_counter)) base_url = self.prefix_counter.most_common(1)[0][0] self.base_url = base_url"Using base_url {!r}.".format(base_url)) # print(base_url) # Remove unwanted entries and strip base_url where possible el = [] skip_ext = self.opts["skip_externals"] collate_max_len = self.opts["collate_max_len"] collate_max_duration = self.opts["collate_max_duration"] collate_max_pause = self.opts["collate_max_pause"] bucket = [] bucket_start_stamp = 0 bucket_last_stamp = 0 def _flush(): nonlocal bucket, bucket_start_stamp, bucket_last_stamp if not bucket: return self.stats["collated_activities"] += 1 entry = bucket[0] entry["url_list"] = [e["url"] for e in bucket] # print("FLUSH\n{}".format(pformat(entry))) bucket = [] bucket_start_stamp = 0 bucket_last_stamp = 0 for entry in self.entries: self.stats["entries_total"] += 1 skip = False # Fix URL by removing the `base_url` prefix url = entry["url"] rel_url = lstrip_string(url, base_url, ignore_case=True) # The URL did not start with base_url, so it is 'external' is_external = rel_url is url if is_external: if skip_ext: logger.warning("Skipping external URL: {}".format(url)) self.stats["external_urls"] += 1 skip = True else: entry["url_org"] = url entry["url"] = rel_url # Collate bursts of simple GET request to one single entry start = entry["start"] if len(bucket) >= collate_max_len: _flush() first = len(bucket) == 0 if ( collate_max_len > 1 # Collation enabled and entry["method"] == "GET" # Only GET requests and not entry.get("data") # No POST data and len(bucket) < collate_max_len # Bucket size limit and (first or (start - bucket_start_stamp) <= collate_max_duration) and (first or (start - bucket_last_stamp) <= collate_max_pause) and self._is_static(entry) # Only static resources (JS, CSS, ...) ): self.stats["collated_urls"] += 1 bucket.append(entry) if not bucket_start_stamp: bucket_start_stamp = start bucket_last_stamp = start # We keep the first entry, so we can add the bucket URLs there later if len(bucket) > 1: skip = True elif bucket: # If a burst of simple requests is interrupted, flush and restart _flush() if skip: self.stats["skipped"] += 1 else: self.stats["entries"] += 1 el.append(entry) _flush() self.entries = el return
activity_map = { "GET": "GetRequest", "PUT": "PutRequest", "POST": "PostRequest", "DELETE": "DeleteRequest", }
[docs] def _write_args(self, lines, name, data): """ Args: lines (list): name (str): data (list): a 'params' list of {name: ..., value: ...} objects """ assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) used = set() lines.append(" {}:\n".format(name)) for p in data: # TODO: coerce value (which in HAR is always a string) # Convert [{name: ..., value: ...}, ...] syntax to dict # TODO: We do this, because activity code doesn not handle the # tuple syntax yet. But we should fall back to tuples syntax # if the list does contain duplicate names, instead of # dicarding. name, value = p["name"], p["value"] # lines.append(" - ['{}', {}]\n".format(name, json.dumps(value))) if name in used: logger.error( "Discarding multiple param name: {}: {}".format(name, value) ) continue used.add(name) if not is_yaml_keyword(name): name = '"' + name + '"' lines.append(" {}: {}\n".format(name, json.dumps(value))) return
[docs] def _write_entry(self, fp, entry): opts = self.opts activity = self.activity_map.get(entry["method"], "HTTPRequest") url_list = entry.get("url_list") is_bucket = bool(url_list) and len(url_list) > 1 if is_bucket: activity = "StaticRequests" lines = [] if entry.get("comment"): lines.append("# {}\n".format(shorten_string(entry["comment"], 75))) if is_bucket: lines.append("# Auto-collated {:,} GET requests\n".format(len(url_list))) else: lines.append( "# Response type: {!r}, size: {:,} bytes, time: {}\n".format( entry.get("resp_type"), entry.get("resp_size", -1), format_elap(entry.get("elap"), high_prec=True), ) ) if entry.get("resp_comment"): lines.append("# {}\n".format(shorten_string(entry["resp_comment"], 75))) url = entry["url"] expand_url_params = False lines.append("- activity: {}\n".format(activity)) if is_bucket: lines.append(" thread_count: {}\n".format(opts["collate_thread_count"])) lines.append(" url_list:\n") for url in url_list: lines.append(" - '{}'\n".format(url)) else: if entry.get("query"): expand_url_params = True url = base_url(url) lines.append(" url: '{}'\n".format(url)) if activity == "HTTPRequest": lines.append(" method: {}\n".format(entry["method"])) # TODO: # We have ?query also as part of the URL # if entry.get("query"): # lines.append(" params: {}\n".format(entry["query"])) if expand_url_params: self._write_args(lines, "params", entry["query"]) # TODO: set headers = {'Content-type': 'content_type_value'} # if entry.dData.mimeType is defined data = entry.get("data") if data: if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): # Must be a 'params' list of {name: ..., value: ...} objects self._write_args(lines, "data", data) else: assert type(data) is str logger.warning("Expected list, but got text: {!r}".format(data)) lines.append(" data: {}\n".format(json.dumps(data))) lines.append("\n") fp.writelines(lines)
[docs] def _write_sequence(self, fspec):"Writing activity sequence to {!r}...".format(fspec)) with open(fspec, "wt") as fp: fp.write("# Stressor Activity Definitions\n") fp.write("# See\n") fp.write("# Auto-generated {}\n".format(datetime_to_iso())) fp.write("# Source:\n") fp.write("# File: {}\n".format(self.opts["fspec"])) fp.write("# HAR Version: {}\n".format(self.har_version)) fp.write("# Creator: {}\n".format(self.creator_info)) if self.browser_info: fp.write("# Browser: {}\n".format(self.browser_info)) fp.write("# Recorded: {}\n".format(self.first_entry_dt)) fp.write("# Using base URL {!r}\n".format(self.base_url)) fp.write("\n") for entry in self.entries: self._write_entry(fp, entry)"Done.") return