
Install for Development

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!

This small guideline may help taking the first steps.

Happy hacking :)

Fork the Repository

Clone stressor to a local folder and checkout the branch you want to work on:

$ git clone
$ cd stressor
$ git checkout my_branch

Work in a Virtual Environment

Install Python

We need Python 3.9+, and pipenv on our system.

If you want to run tests on all supported platforms, install Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.

Create and Activate the Virtual Environment

Install dependencies for debugging:

$ cd /path/to/stressor
$ pipenv shell
(stressor) $ pipenv install --dev
(stressor) $

The development requirements already contain the stressor source folder, so pipenv install -e . is not required.

The code should now run:

$ stressor --version

The test suite should run as well:

$ tox

Build Sphinx documentation to target: <stressor>/docs/sphinx-build/index.html)

$ tox -e docs

Run Tests

Run all tests with coverage report. Results are written to <stressor>/htmlcov/index.html:

$ tox

Run selective tests:

$ tox -e py311
$ tox -e py311 -- -k test_context_manager

Run Demo Stress Test

First, install stressor for debugging in a virtual environment as described above. Now start a test webserver from the console:

$ cd /path/to/stressor
$ pipenv shell
$ wsgidav

Open a second shell and run the stress test:

$ cd /path/to/stressor
$ pipenv shell
$ stressor run tests/fixtures/test_mock_server.yaml --monitor


The tests also check for eslint, flake8, black, and isort standards.

Format code using the editor’s formatting options or like so:

$ tox -e format


Follow the Style Guide, basically PEP 8.

Failing tests or not follwing PEP 8 will break builds on travis, so run $ tox and $ tox -e format frequently and before you commit!

Create a Pull Request
